Wednesday 7 March 2007

Strange Tings!!

A strange thing is occurring in our kitchen, the large piece of blue tack keeps transforming, the other day it was a dipplodicus type of dinosaur then a leoplurodon and now it is a slug I wish I got a photo of it in its original form I have now put a rather ropey photo of it up on the side we'll see it if mutates any more It seems to like living on the kitchen cupboard doors no one has bothered moving it yet.

I managed to make some ATCs yesterday I will put them on the side to. I don't know if they are right but I had fun making them and now Sam is hooked so I will be tidying away stash after her each time she makes them as well.

The two pairs of pages from my Whitby mini book are some of the lovely things that are in the shops and an interesting building in the area where the market stalls usually are, on this page I used a punch in the shape of a postage stamp and then I used spirelli.

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