Monday, 4 June 2007

My Trip To The Loft

Today I made that trip to the loft that I had been putting off for some time, I found the sewing patterns that I was looking for, they are a bit eighty's style I cringed at some of the things and the colours used back then but I may be able to do something with them, there where some seventies patterns in as well I will post another day. In one of the boxes was some fabric but none of it matched so its no use for patchworking there where two white cotton(with love hearts on) home made curtains that have lots of material on so they may find their way in to a project some day soon.

Speeking of projects I have just started the project that I have posted photos of, I am not sure what I am doing yet but I have made a start, the box which is a plywood container that Xmas decorations came in from the pound shop (Thanks to my MIL for saving it for me) the inside was a bit stained I have started to coat it with a couple of layers of acrylic paint, it's still wet in the photo, I was thinking of using scrap papers on it or even fabric I haven't decided yet. I was thinking emerald green and cobalt blue for the colour scheme.

Another project I want to do is to make a patchwork/quilted cover for my scrapbook I will have to get my thinking cap on for that one I have so much I want to do but no resources its very frustrating, I am thinking of asking on freecycle for material scraps but its getting DH to give me a lift to pick stuff up.

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