Monday, 15 October 2007

Good morning, how are you today? Things are not to bad here, I have another tooth problem growing I will have to ring the dentist again and see if they can fit me in but the tooth problem is probably been inflamed due to having a cold. On the subject of colds as females call them but when a man has a cold it becomes man flu, hospitals seem to be aware of this as when DH was sent home from hospital with pain killers the brand name for the paracetamol was Manadol. I have heard the the hospitals give a prescription for housework to the girls, well thats what we end up doing when we are ill.

The LO I have posted today is another of my DH and is one of two using the same photo but giving both LO different treatments. I have left the journaling off for now as it will be something a bit soppy and personal to do with the situation with his accident. I found that when you don't have a circle template big enough you don't need to go and buy one I just dug out a dinner plate I got stuck with the rust coloured ring and had to measure it and draw the curve by hand I just about got away with it. I have few finishing touches on the other LO so I will post that one in a day or two.

Take care and thanks for looking.

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