Tuesday, 15 May 2007

The Joy Of Skip Diving

I never would have thought I would be singing the praises of my Dad teaching my brother the art skip diving in the past they have pulled out of skips Mechano, Hornby train track and possibly a train,bits of wood my brothers bed (he is over seven foot tall and this bed added with the one he had made a bed long enough to sleep in they still had to buy padding to extend the mattress) and fabric samples, although the patterns are not great if I decide patch work is not for me I have not wasted any money. I had forgotten about the box of bits but it has solved my need to try patch working, yesterday I had a go at making a square with squares, although it has gone a bit out of line it has been a learning exercise as I found that I need to make a deeper seam and try a different arrangement of strips to hides imperfections in the making up. This is how my first try turned out I still have to make it in to a cushion cover.

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