Wednesday 14 November 2007

Hi all, I hope you are well. Things are still mad here, DS has some drastic dental work to be done at the hospital and DH has now got an appointment for an operation on his arm to even up the bones and fuse the wrist to give the arm more support, the date for that is 17th of December so its going to be an interesting Christmas this year. He has to get over a chest infection first, it's all go here . DD has also decided she wants to goto Karate two extra days a week she may have to rethink that one as she has coursework and mock exams to do.

On the craft front I have been struggling with Christmas card making my heart is not really in it but after a few false starts I have made one, I am not even going to work out how many more to make, I think some people will get bought cards this year it's a shame as I like to put the effort into making cards to make things a bit special.

Thank you for looking and take care all.

Sunday 4 November 2007

Hi all, I hope you are well, I have another course of antibiotics and they seem to be working a the mo so fingers crossed I will be OK for a bit.
DD was awarded her orange belt in Tang soo do karate, she was chuffed as because she was grading with three adult males they where stopped for not shouting loud enough as Sam was drowning out there shouts when it should be the other way around.
The Lo I have posted is another of DD I was hoping to do some LO using more that one photo as I seem to have slipped into a rut of just using one but I have to fight to use the lap top as DD s has course work for GCSE's to do. I will get some printed of soon also I have not made one Christmas card yet I am so behind so I will have to get going. As for the LO I posted it started as a scraplift but end up far away from the lifted item and then I felt I added to much on it I was thinking of add more to go in the other direction and have it heavy in embellishments.