I know it's late (12.49) and early in some places but happy new year I hope you all have a good one!
I have scraped so as soon as I get the hang of my new camera i will post up my efforts.
Bye for now take care all and stay safe
Monday, 31 December 2007
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the new year.
Things have been very hectic the last few weeks I have hardly any time to do anything crafty.
DH had his op on the 17th of December so he is still recovering form that, DD has had a non stop chest infection for over a month, DS is having and day surgery in the new year as part of his dental treatment and I am running around trying to get everything done and failing I have also invited my MIL and SIL for Christmas dinner as if I needed any more stress but at least we now have a fully functioning oven.
As soon as possible I will be scrapping again I have to I have just acquired lots of new stash some of it has to be wrapped up for Christmas. I also have a new sewing machine now so I have plans for that and I intend to sew next years Christmas presents plus I have a number of clothes to sew and adjust, DD gets hoodies but to get the right length in arms she has to buy the larger size so I have to take a few of those in and also as I have lost tons of weight I have a few things of my own to adjust.
Enough rabbiting on for now I have to get back to the grindstone,
Take care all and best wishes And I hope to be blogging again properly in the new year.
Things have been very hectic the last few weeks I have hardly any time to do anything crafty.
DH had his op on the 17th of December so he is still recovering form that, DD has had a non stop chest infection for over a month, DS is having and day surgery in the new year as part of his dental treatment and I am running around trying to get everything done and failing I have also invited my MIL and SIL for Christmas dinner as if I needed any more stress but at least we now have a fully functioning oven.
As soon as possible I will be scrapping again I have to I have just acquired lots of new stash some of it has to be wrapped up for Christmas. I also have a new sewing machine now so I have plans for that and I intend to sew next years Christmas presents plus I have a number of clothes to sew and adjust, DD gets hoodies but to get the right length in arms she has to buy the larger size so I have to take a few of those in and also as I have lost tons of weight I have a few things of my own to adjust.
Enough rabbiting on for now I have to get back to the grindstone,
Take care all and best wishes And I hope to be blogging again properly in the new year.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
On the craft front I have been struggling with Christmas card making my heart is not really in it but after a few false starts I have made one, I am not even going to work out how many more to make, I think some people will get bought cards this year it's a shame as I like to put the effort into making cards to make things a bit special.
Thank you for looking and take care all.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Hi all, I hope you are well, I have another course of antibiotics and they seem to be working a the mo so fingers crossed I will be OK for a bit.
DD was awarded her orange belt in Tang soo do karate, she was chuffed as because she was grading with three adult males they where stopped for not shouting loud enough as Sam was drowning out there shouts when it should be the other way around.
The Lo I have posted is another of DD I was hoping to do some LO using more that one photo as I seem to have slipped into a rut of just using one but I have to fight to use the lap top as DD s has course work for GCSE's to do. I will get some printed of soon also I have not made one Christmas card yet I am so behind so I will have to get going. As for the LO I posted it started as a scraplift but end up far away from the lifted item and then I felt I added to much on it I was thinking of add more to go in the other direction and have it heavy in embellishments.
Friday, 26 October 2007
Hi all, I hope you are well, things are not to bad here I'm still feeling a bit under the weather but never mind there is scrapping to be done.
I have lot of photos to put up today, this was the last CJ in the current round, I'm sad that its nearly finished so I made this one the most fiddly, I love the final outcome but now I don't want to send it of.
This was inspired by a little fathers day mini book on two peas but the final piece looks totally different.
The theme for the CJ was colours, I chose Christmas colour as Christmas is my fave time of the year and as it gets nearer I start get happy fuzzy feelings of excitement.
All the tags are cut out using the empty sheet of tags for a template also I used tags made with the big shot, I know is a terrible pun but you could say that this entriy is tagtastic.

I have had a mega good idea for an autumn mini book that I will share just as soon as it gets going all I can say I will be using laminating pockets which will be fun as I don't have a laminator so I will be ironing them and that all I'm saying for now, TFL and take care all.
I have lot of photos to put up today, this was the last CJ in the current round, I'm sad that its nearly finished so I made this one the most fiddly, I love the final outcome but now I don't want to send it of.
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Here is the other LO using the same photo as the last LO, this LO is not acid free as I used normal graph paper and the medical bits from Ste's stay in hospital recently, again I have left the journaling as it will be something soppy, in the photo DH looks so sad to me, I know he is fed up of waiting to fixed and not being able to work.
Take care all.
Monday, 15 October 2007
The LO I have posted today is another of my DH and is one of two using the same photo but giving both LO different treatments. I have left the journaling off for now as it will be something a bit soppy and personal to do with the situation with his accident. I found that when you don't have a circle template big enough you don't need to go and buy one I just dug out a dinner plate I got stuck with the rust coloured ring and had to measure it and draw the curve by hand I just about got away with it. I have few finishing touches on the other LO so I will post that one in a day or two.
Take care and thanks for looking.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Spot The Difference
again to save putting it in the dryer and consuming massive amounts of electricity.
I hated the flowers on the last LO I had posted so I decided to rip them of and do something different and here it is, it was a quick fix but I prefer it to the flowers.
Just a quick one from me today. Take care all and thanks for looking.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
The LO I have put up today is one of DH, I hardly ever get photos of DH but at the mo I have two I am working on this LO is using a photo took while he was trying to escape the other one photo is one I was allowed to take, I will have to get my thinking cap on to decide how to scrap it.
I have to go now I have to deliver papers as a favor to DS as he is going canoing after school. Thanks for looking and take care.
Sunday, 7 October 2007
The photos I have put up today are for a CJ entry, the CJ is titled a pinch of this a dash of that and is about food, I decide I would use some of those free recipe card you sometimes get through the door, once again my camera is playing up again so the photos are not great.
Monday, 1 October 2007
I am being rushed to get of the lap top by Sam as she is sharing it with me, so take care for now and thanks for looking.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Hi all, I hope your well.
I'm still very busy, life is defiantly still getting in the way, I have papers to deliver to help the kids with their round as Andy was lucky to get on the after school canoe lessons, it's his second week this week but he loved it the only thing is he is a bit to tall and broad and needs a longer paddle, Sam is a bit jealous to she would love canoing.
The LO I have put up today is Life support = MP3, on the photo you can not see but she has her MP3 on. The little birds are from a bargain stamp I found it has three birds with flowers dotted about but I just trimmed the birds down and used them on their own. The felt flower I made by using a stencil cutting out and then sewing the detail with embroidery thread .
Thanks for looking, take care all.
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Hi all I'm still here, life is still hectic Ste had his operation last Monday and is doing well although he is in a lot of pain, I'm better than I was when I last posted but still not on tip top form.
I am putting up the latest CJ entries that I have finished this one was on childhood memories, as I did not have any photos of my childhood I had to improvise, the LO was inspired by Shimelle who did a mini book using the photos as the pages. and then adding the other elements on top, I have to say I'm a bit worried as it is totally different from the other entries which are all stunning.
In the chaos of last week we had tons of quick meals and make dos so it was nice the other day to cook properly, as Sam had gone mad on soups I made a chili soup (it tasted like chili con carne) and used half as a pasta sauce and the rest for soup the following day, I find my self craving that soup now but this time I will add kidney beans in to.
Take care all, and thanks for looking.
Friday, 14 September 2007
How are you things are still mad here. DH has and operation on Monday and I have a kidney infection thats making me feel pants. I have managed to scrap a bit and I have some new ideas I'm keen to try out if I have the time. This LO I used free papers from a magazine I find them a bit shiny (and difficult to take photos of without glare) I took my time doing this one even though it is another quite simple LO.
Take care every one and thanks for looking.
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Hi There Stranger!
It was Andy's Birthday on Friday, he was fourteen but we still made a cake based on Warhammer theme, Sam helped decorate the cake and bought a hat for Andy from Hong Kong it was a hat based on his favorite character from the manga/anime.
We have had some good news Sam has won tickets to see Fish, the ex Marillion front man in Edinburgh this week, I am hoping every thing will be OK and she can go we still have to figure out how we will get there, we will cross that bridge when we get there as we don't know any of the details yet. hope it works out Sam deserves a break both the kids have had to go without a lot lately and they have coped with very little fuss, I am proud of both of them.
The CJ I have been working on is apt as the last few weeks have been a stress on the family but reminds me how important to work together to sort things out.
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Good afternoon we have all slept in today so I am behind on all the things I need to do, I have a mountain of ironing to and Sam is waiting to go on the lap top. Later I have a LO to do that is threatening to to turn in to a UFO, I have a lovely photo to scrap but I stated it before the one I have put up today but it didn't seem to work out.
I was thinking the other day as my memory is rubbish I should keep some sort of diary if not for every day as I don't need to be reminded about things like washing up and cleaning the bathroom but for when we have day trips and special occasions.
The LO I have put up today is not completely acid free, I used sticky notes from ASDA and a lot of machine sewing, I'm not the neatest on the machine but it the little mishaps added to the quirkiness. This LO was a pain to do as well it changed a number of times as it did not seem to go in the end I plumped for the sewing.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
The two photos are of the mini book I have been working on, I went scallop mad on this using a circle template to make different size scallops the book was based on the free gift that came with SI last month I used it as a template the quality of the gift was not very good but it created lots of inspiration. The hearts and flowers used on the tops of the page were from a light shade that I picked up in the sale at ASDA a while ago.
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
I Have Not Vanished Of The Face Of The Earth!
Hi all I hope you are all well! Things have been a bit hectic, Sam's PC blew up so she has been camped out in front of my lap top most of the time, we managed to have a run out just local we went blackberry picking we ended up with a bout 8lb of black berries, we shared them with relatives as Ste's mum can't get out to pick them herself.
I am working on a little book at the mo I should have it finished tonight so I will share.
The photo I have posted today is one from Butterfly World, I was lucky to get some good shots that day and my usually troublesome point and shoot behaved well.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Good morning how are you, all is well here I am helping the kids with their papers today so I will be tired out early today.
Today I have put up a LO of meerkats, the photo was taken at Butterfly world at Preston park just up the road from where I live. The journaling reads "These meerkats at Butterfly world are cute but we felt like letting them free as their pen was so small and the meerkats looked sad." The title was hand drawn, I wrote on the back in reverse and then cut out the title, the first attempt I forgot to reverse the "a" so had redo it but it was not as painful as the snap happy or tulip titles.
Snap Happy
I finally got that problem LO done, the basis of it is very simple but making the title was a pain in the end I opted for the using chipboard as template title I will be glad when i can buy some different lettering either stickers or different fonts of chipboard, I know that Tim Holtz is bringing out some fab fonts in chipboard.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Cable Car
Good morning! Yesterday didn't seem to go right, every thing I did sort of went wrong, I woke to find the a wet bundle of clothes in the dryer and I know I had started them off at night, they had gone all musty so I had to rewash them to. Scrapping wise it went a bit wrong to, I had two LO on the go and they should have been finished as the where quite simple LOs but one the title didn't work so now I have to turn the card stock over to redo it all and the other LO is the on I have put up today, this LO was fiddly to stick and went a bit wonky(though the photo makes it look worse) I do like this LO but it was the frustration of trying to get it all strait that took some of the joy out of it. The photo was on took by Sam on her trip to a theme park it will be interesting to see how she scraps hers.
Friday, 3 August 2007
Weaving For A CJ
Good morning I hope you are well today. The sun is shining and there is a bit of a breeze so we are going to make the most of it and have a run out to Preston park so hopefully we can get some nice photos to scrap.
The photos I am putting up today are for a CJ entry on techniques, at first I thought it would be a hard one but with a flash of inspiration it was done, I could of chosen doodling but weaving it was and I enjoyed doing this one. Sam said that we will have give suggestions to the people who have it last as the the techniques will be running out.
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Pucca Love
Hi all, I hope you are well. I got spamed the other day someone leaving comments and links to advertising so now I am modding comments, I like to have feedback on what I am doing and I will put up all genuine comments good and bad but I don't do advertising (not unless I get paid for it). Coincidentally Spam is what my dad calls my DD but then he is a bit mad apparently it runs in the family.
I finally put up the shelves in Sam's room it looks a lot better now she has put things away all she has to do now is muck out her wardrobes.
The LO I have put up today is made with one of the unwanted things from her room it was the packaging from a gift she was given at Christmas the packaging was thick board so the page is a bit chunky, it came with a little envelope to send the gift it turned out useful, I have not used any patterned paper a true magpie moment and saving on stash. Somewhere amongst my stash there is a cute little Pucca bag that would have been great for this LO but I could not find it I know it will turn up now I have finished this LO.
Monday, 30 July 2007
I have made another mini canvas this one is defiantly going on the wall, unfortunately now he has lost control the printer DH is now hogging all the tools in the house I don't know why as I do most of the DIY anyway, he has until I find the picture hooks to give up the hammer or else. I haven't figured out the or else yet but I'm working on it.
I think technology is against me the camera is really being difficult and now the laptop is refusing to put spaces in properly I have to go back over the whole lot and add the spaces, the key must be sticky. One good thing is that the Lap top has the printer software in so now I can print text so I may get the LO finished that I have had planed for a bit, I don't like leaving LOs half done they could turn in to UFOs if I'm not careful.
Take care all
Sunday, 29 July 2007
The weather did hold up yesterday I took some lovely shots of the parade they need a bit of work cropping and things but they will be scrappable, the camera decided to play up again and didn't want to take photos through the screen again, DH took some photos to but he doesn't think like me and the shots he took were long shots, I like the details in the clothing and faces.
I managed to print off photos direct from a memory pen, poor DH, I will have to find other uses for him now I have cut out the middle man and hogger of the printer.
The Lo I have put up today is another simple one, I had never cut out bits of a photos before but the background didn't fit in with the patterned paper The journaling was printed out, my hand writing is not that neat. I have lots of journaling ready to be printed out for other LOs hopefully I will get to work on them later.
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Just For Fun
Hi all, I hope your well today. I hope to take some photos today as the Billingham Istedford starts today and there is usually a parade but the weather seems to be against us, dark clouds are covering my house as I type.
I have put up a LO I made last night , it's really a bit of fun, DH took some photos of Sam without her knowing and some where quite funny in the one I scrapped she a has a goofy hyper look on her face, when I showed her the photo she came up with the title, which is not a lie she did have coffee through a straw and it did make her more hyper than coffee normally does. The methods I used were a mix of different stamps and using chipboard letters as templates and then doodling the details on top.
Friday, 27 July 2007
Back to the scrapping I have put up another page from the Cornwall paper bag book I am working on and I have been working on the journaling for the mini book, I am now waiting for the printer software to be loaded on tho my lap top so I can print it off directly rather than loading it on to a memory pen then going to DH and asking for him to load it on to the other lap top so he can print it, he gets really huffy if I interrupt his quality time with the internet, if I could just cut out the middle man it would be a lot easier.
And on another point I have noticed that I have stopped titling posts again, I will try harder in future.
Thursday, 26 July 2007
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
As for other things I am doing non craft related I have joined a role play forum, I am way out of my depth, Sam said "you should have a go" but seeing as the other members are kids I think I may scare them, they can all spell better than I can, and my imagination is a bit old and rusty.
Another thing I am up to is looking at my stash and thinking its getting out of hand I need better storage and more stash I had resisted looking at the new ranges form all the suppliers but I gave in and had a peek at Tim Holtz (not Tom Holt the author) he has some very lovely chipboard I daren't look at any more my wish list for stash is massive.
Monday, 23 July 2007
The camera with a change of batteries now will take photos with the screen on but the photos are still pants. The photo I have put up is one I decided to do with minimal patterned paper as quite a few of the recent LO have been very pattern heavy, in a way its one of the "out of my rut" LOs that I sometimes do to try to keep things fresh.
I have to go now, not only do I have a CJ to post and to take DS to the dentist for molds to made of his mouth for the orthodontist but DD is prodding me in a big hint that she needs the company of the internet to function normally.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
I have put up the inside of the front cover of the Cornwall book I am working on the photo is not brill I think I will have to start using DH's camera after all.
I am working on a 12x12 LO I cant wait to get back to it as its nearly finished it just needs a little finishing touch and it's done, I will share when it's done.
Friday, 20 July 2007
I have finally started to work on the holiday mini book I did plump for the paperbag book in the end I have typed out the start of the jornaling it is the most I have ever written for a LO or mini book and that is only the pro log.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
The photo I have put up is of one of my UFOs I was one about the other day I used some of the leftovers of the BG paper I was tempted to make it very chunky but in the end I left it flat as with the thistles LO the large pattern means and extra embellishments would get lost.Just two more UFOS to go, I'll have to get my thinking cap on.
Monday, 16 July 2007
With the completion of this LO my 12x12 album is now full(50 LOs) I could add more pages but it's very fat already I was thinking of buying a new album ,that will have to wait until our cash flow gets better.
This week is the last week of school so I am hoping DH and myself will be able to have a run out some ware before we are bombarded with calls of "I'm board" from the kids, some how they don't get the motto "your only board because you haven't found anything to do."
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Finishing Off UFOs
I do have another LO that is a UFO but that was one scraplifted without a photo and I still don't have a photo that's right for it, that's why I don't do LO without photos, other UFOs include the box I posted up a couple of weeks ago and wine bottle gift tube that is all covered but it needs the embellishments on, it is being used to store my flowers in at the mo, I need to find a better way to store my flowers as I have to pour the whole lot in to a big cooking bowl to find the ones I want. I am going to see if I can finish all these things in the next week or so.
As for now we are getting ready to visit my MIL we are having dinner there so it will be the usual force feeding but she is a great cook so we won't be complaining.
Saturday, 14 July 2007
Wild Cat
On the scrapping front I have done well to, I finished a double LO last night I have posted these up today. I had made a sketch a while a go but as the LO went along the plan changed. The paper is blond moments, it was from a kit I received when I first started scrapping but I didn't like the patterned pages much, with all the orange elements I doodled round the edges to define them as they where very flat. The journaling reads "Wild cat not! This cat is quite happy to be cradled like a baby and is daft as a brush."
Friday, 13 July 2007
Happy One Hundredth Post
Times flies it seams like only yesterday when I submitted my first post.
Thank you Margaret for your comment it nice to know someone visits my blog, I was very lucky with the text for the Miffy LO as it was the same as a packet of chipboard letters I bought in a children's craft department. I have used them quite a bit as templates I was getting worried that I had used them on to many LOs.
As for what I'm up to, I am in the middle of a LO, it's taking a bit longer because I have been cutting all the lettering but hand (like I usually do) I am looking forward (now the printer is fixed) to using more printed media on the LOs again, I have so many ideas on the go, there is just not enough scrapping hours in the day!
Thank you Margaret for your comment it nice to know someone visits my blog, I was very lucky with the text for the Miffy LO as it was the same as a packet of chipboard letters I bought in a children's craft department. I have used them quite a bit as templates I was getting worried that I had used them on to many LOs.
As for what I'm up to, I am in the middle of a LO, it's taking a bit longer because I have been cutting all the lettering but hand (like I usually do) I am looking forward (now the printer is fixed) to using more printed media on the LOs again, I have so many ideas on the go, there is just not enough scrapping hours in the day!
Thursday, 12 July 2007
DD pc is broken a the mo so I have had the pleasure of her company as she has been using the lap top the run her forum. All I can hear is touch typing it's quite off putting especially as I can't touch type to save my life, I can type quite fast but I have to look at the keys. She manages to multi task running the forum and answering hundreds of MSN massages and seeing as DD and all her friends are stark raving bonkers there is a lot of random laughter and comments. I do get the odd cup of tea or coffee to, so thats a bonus.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
CJ Die Cut Delights
I have had trouble getting photos but now I have new ink cartridges and some photos from a mail order co which even with postage worked out cheaper than asda and I got a 8x6 print as well. I also have sketches for a few LO based on childhood memories to go with photos of toys.
Today I have put up photos of the CJ entry for die cut delights my aim for this page was to show different ways of dies so a button is not just a button it has become a ribbon slide or a photo corner.
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